Transfer function fitting using a continuous Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm

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A. Reineix
C. Guiffaut


An original approach is proposed in order to achieve the  fitting of ultra-wideband complex frequency functions, such  as the complex impedances, by using the so-called ACO  (Ant Colony Optimization) methods. First, we present the  optimization principle of ACO, which originally was  dedicated to the combinatorial problems. Further on, the  extension to the continuous and mixed problems is  explained in more details. The interest in this approach is  proved by its ability to define practical constraints and  objectives, such as minimizing the number of filters used in  the model with respect to a fixed relative error. Finally, the  establishment of the model for the first and second order  filter types illustrates the power of the method and its  interest for the time-domain electromagnetic computation.


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How to Cite
Reineix, A., & Guiffaut, C. (2015). Transfer function fitting using a continuous Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm. Advanced Electromagnetics, 4(2), 1–8.
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