Analysis of Current Distributions and Radar Cross Sections of Line Source Scattering from Impedance Strip by Fractional Derivative Method

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K. Karacuha
E. I. Veliyev
V. Tabatadze
E. Karaçuha


In this paper, we have studied the analysis of current distributions and radar cross sections of line source scattering from impedance strip. The problem was solved with fractional derivative method previously. Here, the specific case of fractional derivative method is investigated. The problem under consideration on the basis of various methods is studied well, however, they are mainly done by numerical methods. The fractional derivative method, allows an analytical solution in a specific situation. This method allows to obtain analytical solution of impedance strip for a special case which is fractional order  is equal to 0.5. When fractional order is 0.5, there is an analytical solution which is explained and current distribution, radar cross section and near field patterns are given in this paper. Here, as a first time, current distribution, bi-static radar cross section and near field for the upper and lower part of the strip are studied.


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How to Cite
Karacuha, K., Veliyev, E. I., Tabatadze, V., & Karaçuha, E. (2019). Analysis of Current Distributions and Radar Cross Sections of Line Source Scattering from Impedance Strip by Fractional Derivative Method. Advanced Electromagnetics, 8(2), 108–113.
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